The main result & Intellectual Output of OpEn project is an open multilingual (English, Greek, Italian, and Spanish) online course of 32 hours total duration, which is constructed from the following 3 Thematic Units:
- Business Development
- Personal Development
- Digital Development
This course is available via the special link of the e-learning platform:
For the implementation of this main result, the production of 2 other previous Intellectual Outputs was required:
- Skill profile identification and Module Outline, which includes the identification of the demanded digital & e-business skills for those who want to act within the digital economy and global market.
- E-module design and service set-up, which includes at the beginning a review of state of the art of pedagogies and best practices for entrepreneurial online education. Then, based on this background, a design and implement methodology of OpEn multilingual online course is following.