The main result & Intellectual Output of OpEn project is an open multilingual (English, Greek, Italian, and Spanish) online course of 32 hours total duration, which is constructed from the following 3 Thematic Units:

  • Business Development
  • Personal Development
  • Digital Development

This course is available via the special link of the e-learning platform:

For the implementation of this main result, the production of 2 other previous Intellectual Outputs was required:

  • Skill profile identification and Module Outline, which includes the identification of the demanded digital & e-business skills for those who want to act within the digital economy and global market.
  • E-module design and service set-up, which includes at the beginning a review of state of the art of pedagogies and best practices for entrepreneurial online education. Then, based on this background, a design and implement methodology of OpEn multilingual online course is following.

About Open Up

Open up Entrepreneurship (OpEn) project fills the identified knowledge gap where existing and prospective entrepreneurs seek for business solutions into the digital technologies but lack the necessary skills and capabilities to exploit the vast potential of e-business models in the global market.

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