Final round of the pilot implementation of open online course on digital entrepreunership


The pilot implementation of the online course “Open Up Entrepreneurship (OpEn)” on digital entrepreneurship is in the final round, as the deadline is on Thursday 28/09/2017.We would like to thank you for your registration & active participation during this pilot phase. Could we please ask you if you could make every effort to successfully attend at least One Thematic Unit, by answering the relevant quizzes, exercises and filling the evaluation form which is available at the end of each unit.

Please get in touch for any remarks, questions and suggestions for improvement. 

We are at your disposal via the project’s e-learning platform:

and the project’s Facebook page:

Your participation during the pilot phase and your opinions are very valuable for further improving & developing the course!

About Open Up

Open up Entrepreneurship (OpEn) project fills the identified knowledge gap where existing and prospective entrepreneurs seek for business solutions into the digital technologies but lack the necessary skills and capabilities to exploit the vast potential of e-business models in the global market.

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