A transnational partnership consisting of Business Representative Associations and Universities from Greece, Italy, Spain and United Kingdom, and headed by Small Enterprises Institute of the Hellenic Confederation of Professional Craftsmen & Merchants (IME GSEVEE) implements the project titled: “Open Up Entrepreneurship (OpEn)”, in the framework of Erasmus+ European Programme.
OpEn project aims to cover potential gaps of knowledge and skills of existing or future entrepreneurs in the field of digital entrepreneurship. In this context, innovative practices and technological tools for designing and developing multidisciplinary open learning resources to support digital entrepreneurship are being exploited within OpEn.
Specifically, an open online course has been designed and the proper multilingual (English, Greek, Italian, and Spanish) Open-Source Educational Material has been developed which is available now via an e-learning platform, in English language. The open course, of 32 hours (8 weeks) total duration, is constructed from the following 3 Thematic Units:
- Business Development
- Personal Development
- Digital Development
During July 2017, the pilot application of this open course is planned to take place in targeted categories of beneficiaries, such as young entrepreneurs, but also students / graduates of higher education who wish to develop business activities in the future.
Those who are interested to participate in this pilot application can be more thoroughly informed and registered from Monday 03/07/2017, in order to attend at least 1 of the 3 Thematic Units in English Language, via the special link of the e-learning platform: http://openup.upatras.gr/modules/auth/newuser.php, which is available into the project’s web-site http://www.openup-project.eu/, The deadline of the pilot implementation is at 31/08/2017.
Participation and submission of opinions from everyone is more than welcome and will be a valuable help for us who work on OpEn Project.