In the framework of the 82nd Thessaloniki International Fair, we invite all interested persons to participate in the OpEn project’s Final Forum titled:
“Open up entrepreneurship: A Learning Walk in Digital Entrepreneurship
on Thursday 14 September 2017, 18:00 – 21:00, at the “N. Germanos” Congress Centre, Hall B, TIF HELEXPO, Thessaloniki.
OpEn project main aim is to inspire and sensitize existing or future young entrepreneurs in the field of digital entrepreneurship. In this context, innovative practices and technological tools for designing and developing multidisciplinary open learning resources are being exploited to cover potential gaps of knowledge and skills in the field of digital business. Additional information about this project you could find in the web-site: www.openup-project.eu
The active participation of all stakeholders is important to us, not only in terms of exchanging information with you, but also in terms of ensuring the best utilization of the project’s outcomes.
Those who are interested to participate in this event can be registered by filling the relevant registration form and send it via e-mail until 4th of September 2017 to Mr Vassilis Siomadis at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. (tel. no.: 00302310545967).
Registration Form
Final's Forum Agenda